Monday, May 08, 2006

Rail Travel I

My work frequently requires me to take some lengthy train journeys. London, Edinburgh, Montrose, Kent the like. Since GNER have shamefully abandoned the smoking carriage that made using public transport a pleasure for me I have retreated to the "Quiet Coach". Now you would expect quiet in this coach would you not? After all if I go into a building marked "Vegetarian Cafe" I expect to find vegetarian food.

I've no real problem with how people use their mobile phones (unless they have the Crazy frog) or indeed their laptops.... all I ask is that the "Quiet" rule also applies to children.

Children are the bane of any of my train journeys. Their squealing, their crying, their running up and down the aisle while the hapless parent says something like "Aww Chelsea please don't". It drives me insane.

This is how serial killers start you know. In 5 years time when some poor commuter has hacked an entire school outing to death with a sharpened umbrella his neighbours will say "he was a quiet man who liked the quiet, and travelled on trains a lot". This will be the reason.

Really, if we can ban smoking in the presence of non-smokers can we please ban children in the presence of committed non-parents? That's all I ask


Blogger Devil's Kitchen said...

Oh, seconded: definitely seconded.

I think that we should hang the little bastards on the outside of the train and attach them by shutting their tiny fingers in the doors and windows. You'd lose a few to tunnel walls on the way, but most of them would get there, and it'd be a damn sight quieter...


10:04 pm  

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