Monday, May 08, 2006

Meat Feast Pizzas

Let me clarify first, I'm not anti-meat feast pizzas. Far from it. I would happily start building temples to meat feast pizzas if only I could get planning permission. No, my problem lies with some of the content. The "not meat" content to be precise.

If I order this fine product of Italy it always, without fail, turns up with onions and green peppers all over the top of it. Why? Why? Why?

I spend most of my life being lectured on the health threats of pizza... I accept them, if they're going to kill me at least let me die without forcing vegetables on me. Have a good look at a salad some day.... it's just not food. If I ordered a "Vegetarian Feast" I wouldn't get ham and pepperoni put on for good measure would I?

It's discrimination, sheer unadulterated discrimination against happy carnivores. I like eating dead animals, it's my right and I've never set eyes on a healthy looking vegetarian.


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