Have You Got a Hole In The Head Or Something?

Near where I work in Leeds you will find “Corn Exchange” a pleasant bazaar of the more unusual shopping experiences our fair city has to offer. Now this eclectic range of wares does have a tendency to attract a load of oddly dressed Goth types to hang around outside the place.
So as I walk past this bizarre looking mass of hair and metal backs into me and then goes about his merry way. I’ll add at least he had the decency to apologise and that’s when my horror began.
Pierced face? Multiple piercing of the face?
Who stands in front of the mirror of a morning and thinks “Wow I’m looking sharp today but if only my face was a bit more… you know… metallic”, “Hmmm…. Bond villain look today I think” or “If only I look like a stapler had exploded to my right”?
The last time I saw someone like him was when I rented Hellraiser.
How do these people get jobs? When this phase finally ends what will their faces look like? I’ll tell you what they’ll look like. Tea Bags. Could they even drink without a surgically implanted cork?
It can’t be good for you… I’m no health crusader but think, talk to a few War Veterans and they’ll tell you that people with unnecessary holes in their heads die.
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