Friday, September 22, 2006


Oh finally… today my divorce has come through… to quote Mel Gibson:


On this note I am going to recount a tale of the former (I stress not current, at time of writing) Lady Guttersnipe. Cast your mind back 4 or 5 years and we were in the process of buying a pleasant marital home. Three bedrooms, detached, conservatory, leafy cul-de-sac, everything a Desperate Housewives wannabe could want.

At this time the former Lady Guttersnipe developed a bizarre interest in Wicca.

So.. while Guttersnipe was busy sorting out mortgages, insurance and the like as well as frequent negotiations between estate agents and the sellers, the former Lady Guttersnipe had gathered herself an oak branch, a key and a ribbon and set about making a Talisman of Prosperity.

Yes you read that right… a Talisman of Prosperity.

Cutting a long story somewhat shorter our offer (or more accurately my offer) was accepted and the purchase duly proceeded.

Now ask yourself what did the former Lady Guttersnipe attribute to the success of this purchase? Was it the Talisman she had made and placed dutifully under her pillow for the correct 5 days in July? Or was it that fact that your good Guttersnipe actually gave the sellers the full asking price?

You can see where this is going can’t you?


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